Technical Bulletin Year 2 No. 3 - June, 2024 / July 2nd, 2024

Analysis of the risks of thermal stress in marine ecosystems and massive coral bleaching during 2024 / Análisis de los riesgos de estrés térmico en los ecosistemas marinos y de un blanqueamiento masivo de corales durante el 2024
(Spanish Version)


Technical Bulletin Year 2 No. 2 - May, 2024 / June 6th, 2024

Analysis of the risks of thermal stress in marine ecosystems and massive coral bleaching during 2024 / Análisis de los riesgos de estrés térmico en los ecosistemas marinos y de un blanqueamiento masivo de corales durante el 2024
(Spanish Version)


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About Us

Sociedad Ambiente Marino (SAM) was established in the year 2001 as a scientific and community-based, non-profit environmental organization in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, USA, with the mission of fostering the conservation and restoration of marine resources. In the year 2004, SAM officially became a not-for-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service rules a 501 (c)3. SAM’s mission is guided by the principle that social wellbeing significantly depends on the sustainable use and management of natural resources. SAM fulfills its mission through a combination of efforts and services, including scientific research, coral reef restoration, marine mitigation, public education, outreach, and advocacy.

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Cultivated and Transplanted Corals
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Corals Rescue from Wild
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Volunteers Participating
Communities Impacted

We aim to promote local economic development and coastal resilience by leading in
marine rehabilitation, conservation, scientific research and education.

Today The Corals Need Your Help!

Join us on our mission to save coral reefs.
For the past 22 years, we have been working tirelessly to restore these vital ecosystems and protect marine life.

Help us continue this important work by donating today!

How To Donate?

Check / Money Order

Postal PO Box 22158,
San Juan PR 00931-2158

Call Us:

1+ (939) 969-7264

What drives us

Aid in the conservation and management of our marine resources

Rehabilitate ecological function and services of degraded marine habitats

Contribute towards the understanding of the dynamics of restored marine habitats

Estimulate local economies by establishing partnership with key stakeholders

Increase public awareness about the importance of marine resources